Yellow oyster mushroom

step 1

buy wheat straw.
Specifications of the straw: Its length should be between 10 to 12 centimeters. The wheat straw should come from farms that regularly irrigate their wheat, not from rain-fed wheat. My recommendation is not to buy wheat straw online and preferably purchase it from local markets.

Step 2

Buy cotton seed meal

80 % wheat straw plus 20 % cotton seed meal.

First mix them, then 100 % of the dry weight of both add water.

Then for 30 minutes mix them.

Then put them inside bag

Then for 120 minutes put them inside autoclave for sterilization. (120 minutes in 121 centigrade degree)

After autoclave allow to substrate for cooling, temperature inside substrate should reach to 25 centigrade so that when you add spawn , spawn be healthy, because spawn is so sensitive to heat.

After cooling add spawn to compost under laminar hood cabinet!

Laminar hood

After adding spawn, put the bags in a dark room
Temperature inside room should be 24 centigrade.
Humidity 90%
Co2: 5000 ppm for 3 weeks

After three weeks when bags became 100 % white you should create three small holes (1 euro coin) size on the bags!

Immediately after opening the bags(small holes) we decrease the temperature till 19 centigrade, decrease humidity till 80 %
And decreasing under 1000 ppm.

After opening the bags we should provide light for mushrooms you can provide it via small windows in your room

Or artificial lights

The amount of lux that you need is around 700 lux.

7 -10 days after opening the bags the small mushrooms known as primordia will be appeared

Primordia (small mushrooms)
The best condition for this stage
Room Temperature : 18-19
Room humidity : 80 %
Co2 :900 ppm
Light : 700 lux

4 days later
Mushrooms will be bigger
Room Temperature : 17
Room humidity : 80 %
Co2 :900 ppm
Light : 700 lux

Now the mushrooms are ready to harvest!

40 % of weight of substrate you can harvest fresh mushroom, for example if you have 1000 kg mushroom substrate you can harvest 400 kg fresh mushroom, in two flush you can harvest 400 kg mushrooms , each flush takes 5 days and the distance between two flush is 7 days! For example if you have 1000 kg substrate, you harvest 200 kg fresh mushroom during first flush and 200 kg during second flush, the days of harvesting mushrooms known as FLUSH

After harvesting mushrooms put the mushrooms in fridge for 2-4 centigrade, the maximum day that you can store mushrooms in fridge is 5-7 days.

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