Growing button Mushrooms
Step 1: Harvest wheat straw
Step 2: Buy chicken manure
Step 3: Buy Gypsum
Then wet wheat straw
Then mix wheat straw, chicken manure and gypsum!
And put them inside bunker!
What is Bunker?
This structure that does not have any ceiling known as bunker!
Substrate (wheat straw, chicken manure and gypsum) experience a temperature 75-80 centigrade inside this bunker.
How many days we should keep the substrate inside bunker?
10 days
After staying 10 days inside the bunker, the should place inside the pasteurization tunnel!
This structure is known as the Pasteurization tunnel, unlike the bunker has ceiling!
The substrate needs to stay inside the pasteurization tunnel for 6-8 hours pasteurization the substrate inside the tunnel should experience 60 centigrade!
After pasteurization substrate is moved to another room for cooling!
When the temperature inside the substrate reaches 25 centigrade are ready for adding spawn(mushroom seed)
When the temperature inside the substrate reaches 25 centigrade we should add the spawn like pic!
Then compost will be blocked with plastic by a blocker machine with dimensions of 40 by 60 cm
The compost truck will arrive to your mushroom farm
First, wash the truck tires to remove any dust or infections
Then the time of fill the compost watering surrounding your room to prevent insect activities!
Then you can fill the room with compost
Day 1:
Temperature inside compost :25 centigrade
Room humidity: 95%
Room co2: 5000 ppm
Light: 0
Day 2: cut surface plastics
Temperature inside compost :25 centigrade
Room humidity: 95%
Room co2: 5000 ppm
Light: 0
After cutting the plastic surface put the surface with newspaper!
Day 3 till day 14:
Temperature inside compost :25 centigrade
Room humidity: 95%
Room co2: 5000 ppm
Light: 0
Day 14: mycelium fills all surfaces of substrate, in this time you should give peat soil with the depth of 4 cm to compost
After covering it with soil spread 500 gram substrate filled with mycelium per m2, this act known as CAC!
CAC helps prevent mushrooms from clustering and ensures uniform growth. It also shortens the growth cycle by three to four days.
After giving soil or casing (one day after casing in day 15) we should start watering .
We should manage irrigation or watering during 6 days after casing, during 6 days after casing we should give 12 litters water per m2 if we work with blocks, if we work bulk compost. My mean of bulk is a compost that doesn’t block by machine and directly fill to the room ) usually professional and industrial fill the room with bulk compost٫ for bulk compost during 6 days we give 20 litter water per m2.
Bulk compost
Block compost
Day 16 till day 22:
Temperature inside compost :25 centigrade
Room humidity: 95%
Room co2: 5000 ppm
Light: 0
Give 2 litter water per m2 per day
Day 22:
Half of the soil is filled with mycillium and half of the soil is white.
Day 22
Day 23 -26:
Stop watering
Increase the temperature inside the compost till 27
Humidity: 100 %
Co2:6000 ppm
These days known as recovery days help the mycelium fill 100 % of the soil!
Day 27:
Near 90 % of the soil is filled with mycelium.
Temperature inside the compost should set on 25 centigrade
Humidity :90 %
And co2 : 5000 pom
Day 27
Day 28:
Starting cooling down
Temperature inside compost :24 centigrade
Humidity: 90%
Day 29:
Starting cooling down
Temperature inside compost:23centigrade
Humidity: 88%
Co2:3500 pom
Day 30:
Starting cooling down
Temperature inside compost:22 centigrade
Humidity: 86 %
Co2:3000 pom
Day 31:
Temperature inside compost:22 centigrade
Humidity: 86 %
Co2:2500 pom
Day 32:
Temperature inside compost:21 centigrade
Humidity: 84 %
Co2:2000 pom
Note: Decreasing CO2 happens via opening the Louver exhaust and entering fresh air inside the room
And regulating humidity via working humedifier
100 m2 under cultivation needs to 0.4 meter Louver exhaust
Day 33:
Temperature inside compost:20 centigrade
Humidity: 83 %
Co2:1700 pom
Day 34: Pinning
Day 35:
Day 37:
Temperature: 20 centigrade
Humidity : 85 %
Co2 :1300ppm
In this stage we can give water to bed.
Day 40:
Starting first flush
Temperature inside compost : 20
Humidity : 85 %
Co2 : 1300 pom
Watering ❌❌❌
Giving water in this stage causes blotch on mushrooms!
Day 41: harvesting mushrooms
Storing mushrooms in 2-4 centigrade.