Ganoderma (reishi) Mushroom

Red and yellow Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma)

It is the only mushroom that cannot be consumed fresh and must be dried after harvest and then marketed.

Twenty-five kilograms of dried mushrooms are usually harvested from each ton of yellow Ganoderma compost, and fifteen kilograms of dried mushrooms are harvested from each ton of red Ganoderma compost.

The yellow variety is a modified Ganoderma of American research institutes that has been selected for commercial purposes, so that it has both faster growth and higher yield than the red cultivar. In Ganoderma culture, the composition and amount of active ingredients as well as production efficiency are important. In the red variety, due to lower efficiency, the amount of active ingredients may be slightly higher than the yellow cultivar, but the yield or efficiency of the yellow cultivar is about twice the yield of the red cultivar.

The composition and method of composting used are the same red and yellow species. There is no difference in the way spanning is produced. Therefore, the price of inoculated compost is equal for both variables.

Ganoderma compost containing 18% wheat bran, 80% sawdust of mango tree, 2% gypsum, and some 5% cereal can be a strong source of nitrogen for your compost and 5% spawn, depending on the type of cultivation of the various supplements.
It takes about a month for the whole compost to turn white and during this time the compost lid should be completely closed. In the first month, the ambient temperature should be at 28 degrees Celsius and the relative humidity at 70 percent should be controlled. It is not oxygen.

Sterilization happens inside Autoclave at 121 centigrade during two hours.

After sterilized of compost by autoclave, substrate is completely dark and brawn.
Immediately after Autoclave till whitening substrate you should put the composts in a dark room with 28 centigrade.

Two weeks later the half of the substrate will become white, in this stage control humidity on 80% and temperature on 26 centigrade!

When the whole of substrate became white, open the top of compost bag , with decreasing temperature to 24-25 centigrade and increasing light to 1000 lux with 90 % humidity!

Opening the bags with 4cm diameter.

5 days later after opening the bags the color of surfaces converted into brown!

Two weeks later after opening small parts of mushroom will be appeared!
During this time temperature should be 25 centigrade with 95 % humidity and full light.

Three weeks after opening mushrooms will increase their volume!

Four weeks after opening the mushrooms are completely mature snd ready to harvest, during harvesting temperature should be 24 centigrade , humidity 95 %. And regular circulation and minimum co2!

Each 1000 kg substrate will give you 40 kg dry Ganoderma mushrooms !

After harvesting you should dry the mushrooms at 45 centigrade for two hours. You can put harvested mushrooms on the shelves and increase the temperature till 45 centigrade!

After harvesting you can package the mushrooms.

The most important disorder during growing Ganoderma is deer antler, the main causes for this disorder are low temperature under 15 centigrade, high co2 and low light!

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